Nike gay pride shoes

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'Nike is deeply committed to diversity, inclusion and unleashing the potential of all athletes,' said Tim Hershey, Vice President of Global Merchandising for Nike and Executive Advisor to Nike's LGBT Employee Network. Nike and the Coalition will host the fourth annual LGBT Sports Summit in Portland next week. Part of the proceeds of the #BeTrue line will go to fund the LGBT Sports Coalition. That shouldn't be a big surprise, given both Jason Collins and Brittney Griner are Nike spokespeople. This year's line also features the first #BeTrue basketball shoe. It will also be available at various Pride festivals and Nike stores across the country. However, you'll have to wait until Friday, June 5, to order your #BeTrue merchandise on. This year Nike is blowing out the line with many more shoe options, T-shirt designs and hats.

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Today Nike released its annual #BeTrue line to celebrate Pride Month.

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